For Medical Staff

To All Medical Staff

We always trust our doctors and medical staff when it comes to our children.  Many times, they have known our kids for years and understand their needs when it comes to pain or injury.  They are attentive and always there for us despite the numerous late night or weekend visits.

When it comes to concussions, they are usually all over the acute side of treatment and understand the effects of a concussion on the child’s brain and how to treat the injury.  However, like parents, coaches, and trainers, more awareness of the long-term impacts of a concussion, recommended follow-ups after a concussion, and assessing a child’s age, sports activities and concussive exposure can be key.


In order to help any medical professional concerned about concussions, subconcussive activity, or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or desiring more information, we are providing links to organizations, activities, and documents that may be helpful.  We have partnered with the Concussion Legacy Foundation, the American Brain Association the CTE Program at Boston University, all great areas to start and supportive of additional knowledge and learning of these areas of brain trauma.

If you have any additional information or articles that we can post or would like to serve to mediate our forums, please contact us.


Concussion care for children and adolescents: New recommendations 

There has been lots of attention on concussions in youth, especially from sports, over the past few years. It’s good that we are paying more attention to concussions. As the stories of prior National Football League players show us, concussions can lead to lifelong problems.